As the example site shown, we use Configuration Directory to maintain easier organization and environment specific settings, it is especially useful on multilingual sites.

 1├── _default
 2│   ├── config.toml
 3│   ├── config.zh-hans.toml
 4│   ├── config.zh-hant.toml
 5│   ├── languages.toml
 6│   ├── markup.toml
 7│   ├── menu.toml
 8│   ├── menu.zh-hans.toml
 9│   ├── menu.zh-hant.toml
10│   ├── params.toml
11│   ├── params.zh-hans.toml
12│   ├── params.zh-hant.toml
13│   ├── server.toml
14└── production
15    ├── config.toml
16    └── params.toml

Hugo supports multiple configuration formats: TOML, YAML and JSON, change it at will.

  • _default contains the default configurations.
  • production configurations will override the default configurations on production environment.
  • You can also define more environment configurations, such as development(the default environment of hugo server), testing, staging. And then specify the environment via -e flag.
  • The configurations filename with language code affected take effect only on that language site, such as config.zh-hans.toml, it’s useful to separate configurations and parameters from different languages.

The multilingual configurations doesn’t work on author configurations, that is, author.zh-hans.toml will not take effect. The config, params, menu and menus are known that supported multilingual configuring.